"It’s king! The king is back! " I don’t know if it’s so good. After seeing Crystal Crazy, the dragons gave cheers. Crystal Crazy didn’t respond to them, but took off his airbag and quickly walked into the dragon group.
"General? How’s the war going? " Crystal crazy went to the white skeleton dragon group in the center, where most captains and generals were.
"Wang!" When they saw Crystal Crazy, they immediately lined up neatly. A general reported to Crystal Crazy that "our army has lost more than half of its siege of the Green Dragon, but we were able to withdraw from this place because of the sudden earthquake, but the other side has already suffered heavy losses …"
"Who told you to retreat?" Crystal crazy asked, "Why retreat without my command?"
"The most … the first decision was made by General Storm," said the general, "because he thought the city would be very dangerous."
"Danger? I tell you cowardice is dangerous! " Crystal crazy great anger way "look at those roots! They don’t scratch you or bite you. The cracks are full of mud and you won’t fall in. There are also those sharp and big buildings that ask you not to run in, and no matter how they collapse, they won’t hit you! "
"You retreat not only the army but also our chances of victory!" Crystal crazy shouted "now the enemy ran have a chance to pant! They may form a stronger force to fight back against us! Those flying dragons have also escaped a lot. When they get rid of the bad smell, they will be the most difficult opponents and they may also make our weapons! "
Jing raved, "All commanders must have strong observation ability. This pathetic man let go of a group of’ heavy losses’ enemy forces today, and the enemy forces will become the enemies they want. They will ride huge dragons to build our weapons and know our situation extremely well, so that new tactics can be used to destroy us! The wrong situation and wrong judgment may lead to the annihilation of our army! Now give that stupid general a poke! "
"Ga! !” White skeleton dragons immediately boiled up after hearing what Crystal Crazy said. A group of soldiers struggled to catch General Storm regardless of each other …
The last white skeleton dragon who died in the war was pierced high by a long stick in front of the scorpion city, and then the crystal madman retreated to the edge of the jungle with the white skeleton dragons.
They are unlikely to chase the Jade Dragon now, so Crystal Crazy intends to go back and make more updated weapons to cope with a battle first, and it seems that it wants to contact Baiskeleton Dragon Island to let more troops come here.
Crystal crazy doesn’t care much about urban earthquakes and those huge plants. It cares more about the Jade Dragon War.
As the sun sets, this place enters the night. Many white skeleton dragons have rested and many have returned to work. They have been ordered to build a new crossbow gun.
"I’m really tired. Let’s take a rest first." A white skeleton dragon pieced together with a crossbow gun looked quite tired. It went to a tree and sat looking at the stars all over the sky. It took a deep breath and said, "It seems to be getting cold … honk? What’s that? "
The white skeleton dragon looked at the head branches and they … swayed from side to side.
Chapter two hundred and fourteen The fog in the night
Clouds of gray smoke slowly spread in the jungle with the night breeze … spread …
White skeleton dragon, emerald dragon, skeleton dragon, they are located on the edge of the jungle in the southwest, and these dragons all enjoy the peace without war.
As time went by, it was late at night. Except for a few people who treated the wounded, they pieced together weapons and guarded dragons, almost all of them fell into a deep sleep.
Every dragon seizes the opportunity to rest, because in the daytime, they don’t know what new war they will face, but they didn’t expect it to be a war, and sometimes it will break out in the night …
Cheep … honk … A handyman who pieced together a crossbow gun and a white skeleton dragon sat in a tree and tried to rest, but he saw that the branches overhead were always dangling and creaking, making it difficult to rest.
"What’s wrong with this tree?" The white skeleton dragon got up and looked at the branches in disbelief. It seemed strange that the branches shook. It was not caused by the wind, but like … the trees moved by themselves.
"Move yourself? How can it be awkward! " The white skeleton dragon kicked a tree trunk and said, "Be quiet!"
Although there are quite a lot of animals and plants that can learn by themselves on this continent, trees are usually impossible to move, and even the white skeleton dragon knows this after staying on the island for a long time.
"Goo … honk …" The tree that was kicked suddenly showed a strange line. The whole trunk kept shaking a lot of bark. Its surface fell off, and two long branches were bent like arms and were aimed at the white skeleton dragon in front.
"Ga!" White skeleton dragon handyman saw this scene and was immediately scared and shouted. It hurriedly fled and shouted "Ga! There are monsters! The tree is moving! "
Many white skeleton dragons sleeping around were awakened by it, and they came out of the tent one after another. Several soldiers shouted to the handyman, "What’s your name?" Is there an enemy attack? "
"No!" The handyman rolled and crawled to the front of the soldiers and said, "Tree! The tree is moving! It points at me! "
"Ga? How is it possible for the tree to move! " One soldier showed disbelief and another soldier said, "Where did you see it? Show us! This may be … it’s a wooden spirit! "
"Mu Ling?" The surrounding white skeleton dragons immediately gathered around to say, "It’s possible! Take us to see it! "
"Ga … Mu Ling?" The handyman seemed to be less afraid when he heard it. "That was just now …"
It took the white skeleton dragons to the former tree and saw that the bark of the tree almost fell off and it was still shaking, and each branch was actually placed in different directions, which was obviously not caused by the wind.
"It’s Mu Ling!" "Wood spirit appears here!" "So Mu Ling has recognized us!"
The former White Skeleton Dragons have been afraid to cut down the wood, mainly because they are afraid that the wood spirit will be angry. They think that if they are recognized, they can cut down some, so it will be much easier for them to make weapons. Of course, they don’t know what form the wood spirit will recognize them. This is usually a prophet who says that even if it is recognized, but now there is no prophet, they will think that this tree is a’ wood spirit’ …
Here, the white skeleton dragons are very excited. One white skeleton dragon even ran to the trees and said, "We have been recognized now! Already … "
Suddenly, the branches of this tree bent sharply, like flapping, and the white skeleton dragon flew out and hit another tree.
All the white skeleton dragons were shocked when they looked at this situation. They seemed to have no way to understand what happened. What’ wood spirit’ would hit them?
"Cheep …" The tree kept shaking its body. It seemed to pull itself out of the ground and move.
"Goo …" The white skeleton dragons didn’t know that, so suddenly there was another sound in the jungle, as if it were made by a monster.
"honk! That ….. "As the sound approached a figure more than three meters high, it came out of the forest, but it was not a common dinosaur, but a tree that crawled one by one. It had no skin on its body, and its roots seemed to be broken. Generally, there was a small piece left, but it still wriggled at an abnormal angle, and the branches supported it to help the body move slowly.
"This … is a wooden spirit?" After seeing it, the white skeleton dragons couldn’t help stepping back a few steps. These moving trees are not the only ones. There are more similar’ trees’ coming out of the jungle. Although they have no eyes, they all seem to stare at the white skeleton dragons.
And it’s not just here.
This is the battle when the Emerald Dragons attacked the scorpion in the eastern jungle. There is a big swamp in the jungle here. Although there are many monsters in it, they will not encounter any danger if they are not close.
But not tonight …
"Wow!" A scream rang at the edge of the jungle, and many jade dragons ran quickly to the place where the sound came out with torches in their hands.
"What the hell happened … what is this?" The fire shone on a huge’ flower’ with a diameter of more than two meters, and its petals were all sharp barbs. These barbs hooked an emerald dragon to the center of the flower and kept sucking its flesh and blood.
"That’s … the hook tooth flower in the swamp!" An emerald dragon recognized the flower and said, "But this flower should not be so far away from the swamp!" "
"Don’t worry so much! Burn it quickly! " The commander ordered the Emerald Dragons to immediately pick up torches and rush to the flower.
Meanwhile, the southern jungle
Tucker didn’t sleep but sat on a big stone and looked at the stars at night.

"No smell should be poisonous." Jing smoked a lot of these cigarettes, but it didn’t produce any uncomfortable reaction. It slowly drifted across the city and finally landed on the western periphery of the city
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夜幕低垂,华灯初上,上海这座国际大都市的夜晚,总是充满了无尽的活力与魅力。在这繁华的都市中,有一种美食,以其独特的风味和独特的文化,成为了潮流的引领者——那就是串串香。 串串香,作为起源于四川的一种传统小吃,近年来在上海迅速走红。它以丰富的食材、麻辣鲜香的口感和亲民的价格,吸引了无数食客前来品尝。每当夜幕降临,上海的街头巷尾,总能看到串串香摊位的身影,它们像是夜色中的一抹亮色,为这座不夜城增添了一抹独特的风情。 走进一家串串香店,首先映入眼帘的是那琳琅满目的食材。新鲜的肉类、海鲜、蔬菜、豆制品,甚至还有各种丸子、豆腐等,应有尽有。食客们可以根据自己的口味,挑选喜欢的食材,串在竹签上,放入滚烫的锅中,待食材煮熟后,捞出蘸上特制的调料,即可大快朵颐。 串串香的魅力,不仅在于其丰富的食材和鲜美的口感,更在于它所蕴含的浓厚的人情味。在这里,人们可以放下白天的疲惫,与亲朋好友围坐在一起,享受这份热气腾腾的美食。大家边吃边聊,欢声笑语,其乐融融,仿佛置身于一个温暖的大家庭。 随着串串香在上海的普及,越来越多的商家开始创新,将串串香与其他元素相结合,打造出独具特色的美食。有的店铺将串串香与火锅相结合,推出了火锅串串香;有的则将串串香与烧烤相结合,推出了烧烤串串香。这些创新菜品,不仅丰富了食客的味蕾,也为串串香在上海的流行添砖加瓦。 此外,串串香还成为了年轻人社交的新场所。在繁忙的工作之余,约上三五好友,来一顿串串香,既能满足口腹之欲,又能增进彼此的感情。这种轻松愉快的氛围,使得串串香成为了年轻人聚会的新宠。 当然,串串香在上海的流行,也离不开商家们的用心经营。为了满足不同消费者的需求,商家们不断推出新品,优化服务,力求为食客们带来更好的用餐体验。从环境布置到服务质量,再到食材品质,每一处细节都彰显着商家对串串香的热爱和对食客的尊重。 总之,串串香在上海的流行,不仅是一种美食的普及,更是一种文化的传承。它以其独特的魅力,引领着潮流风潮,成为了这座国际大都市夜生活的一道亮丽风景线。在未来的日子里,相信串串香将继续在上海这片热土上绽放光彩,为更多的人们带来欢乐与美味。
夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海这座国际大都市的夜生活逐渐拉开了序幕。在这璀璨的夜晚,新天地成为了时尚潮人聚集的热门场所,让人们在这里品味时尚,感受上海的独特魅力。 新天地位于上海繁华的市中心,这里将传统的石库门建筑与现代潮流完美融合,形成了一个充满历史韵味和时尚气息的休闲圣地。漫步在新天地的石板路上,仿佛穿越时空,置身于旧上海的风情之中。 夜晚的新天地,灯火璀璨,热闹非凡。酒吧、咖啡馆、餐厅鳞次栉比,各种美食、美酒、音乐、表演让人目不暇接。在这里,你可以尽情享受美食带来的味蕾盛宴,品尝到来自世界各地的特色佳肴。 新天地的酒吧是夜生活的重要组成部分。在这里,你可以找到各种风格迥异的酒吧,从高端的洋酒吧到时尚的创意酒吧,应有尽有。酒吧里,人们或坐或站,或谈笑风生,或轻声细语,享受着这独特的夜生活氛围。 除了酒吧,新天地的咖啡馆也是一处不可错过的休闲场所。在这里,你可以点上一杯香浓的咖啡,或是一杯清爽的果汁,坐在窗边,欣赏着窗外的夜景,感受着上海夜晚的宁静与美好。 夜晚的新天地,还有各种精彩的表演活动。街头艺人、乐队、舞者在这里纷纷献艺,为夜生活增添了一抹亮色。你可以欣赏到吉他弹唱、舞蹈表演、魔术表演等多种形式的表演,感受着艺术的魅力。 此外,新天地还有许多特色商店,如时尚潮店、精品店、艺术品店等,满足你的购物需求。在这里,你可以挑选到各种时尚潮流的服饰、饰品、家居用品等,为自己的生活增添一份品味。 夜游新天地,不仅可以品味时尚,还可以感受上海的历史文化。新天地保留了大量的石库门建筑,这些具有上海特色的建筑成为了新天地的一大亮点。在这里,你可以欣赏到古老的建筑风格,感受到上海的历史底蕴。 总之,夜游新天地,是一场时尚与历史的完美邂逅。在这里,你可以尽情享受上海的夜生活,感受这座城市的独特魅力。无论是与朋友聚会,还是独自漫步,新天地都能给你带来一段难忘的时光。不妨在夜晚来到新天地,品味时尚,感受上海的夜晚魅力吧!