This German "cleansing" is completely different from Hitler’s actions against Jews in World War II. In this war, Jewish capitalists and good businessmen who made great war money were not targeted at ordinary Jewish families.
After all, there are a large number of Jewish soldiers in the German * * team, who come from ordinary German families. If most Jews are arrested in the middle camp like World War II, Germany may be confused, but the loss will outweigh the gain.
And cracking down on those good Jewish capitalists will not only cause social chaos in Germany, but also have many benefits.
First, it can calm people’s anger and revolutionary mood, especially the revolutionary movement is constant. The German government is very revolutionary! The socialist party also called on the people to overthrow the capitalists, and the current government also defeated the capitalists, and it was a practical action. Of course, the people listened to the government, which was tantamount to robbing the socialist party of its job.
Secondly, the German government will get a lot of income, and it will be immediate income.
Why can’t the German government be tempted when it can not only quell the contradiction between the two countries but also get a considerable income?
Zhang Yiping and Cheng Siliang first talked for a long time and got a detailed understanding of the business situation of the China Youth League. Generally speaking, they are still very satisfied.
At this time, the deadly flu is erupting on a large scale all over the world, and the two drugs "Chinese coffee" and "Radix Isatidis injection" developed by Zhang Yiping in advance can prevent and treat this virus in a targeted manner, so the sales volume is very good.
In particular, "Banlangen Injection" is very popular in the market because it conforms to the western medical habits and has obvious curative effect, and its price is much higher than that of gold.
Cheng Siliang said, "There is a doctor in Zurich, the commander-in-chief. He thinks that our Banlangen injection has addictive characteristics, just like morphine and opium, and once it is addictive, it will be cured by law. He asked us to correct our mistakes and make compensation."
Zhang Yiping has added some more powerful drugs to Banlangen Injection, and there is no poison in this world. The amount of ice is small, which will not affect the curative effect of Banlangen Injection, but if it is too much, it will gradually become addictive and the incurable drugs can be smoked all the time after addiction.
However, for the average patient, taking "Banlangen Injection" once or twice will not make him addicted to "Banlangen Injection", and it is impossible for the average person to take this medicine in large quantities at such a price unless those who are very rich and have people.
And for these people, Zhang Yiping feels guilty about them.
"We can say that if drugs are used for a long time, people will be psychologically dependent on them, and gradually people will be inseparable from them. This is called addiction," Zhang Yiping said. "We can ask some psychologists to write some articles to explain what addiction is because they have a lot of psychology and appeal to those rich people not to leave a lot of these’ Banlangen injections’ for those who really need it …"
Cheng Siliang quickly praised, "The commander-in-chief is really well-informed. It is said that those addicted people will not only get sympathy but will be spurned by people. It is precisely because they have made a large number of these’ Banlangen injections’ that the price of this drug has soared. Are they still interested in addiction?"
"Of course, we can’t take that doctor lightly," Zhang Yiping said. "It’s best to ask someone to kill him as if it were an accident."
"The drug addiction is not to say that psychological? Don’t … "Cheng Siliang asked.
"I still say that one of our own is sick, and the blue bottle is as effective and not addictive," Zhang Yiping said to be continued.
Chapter 49 My buddy
Zhang Yiping asked about the situation of Sheng shopkeeper, because as far as he knew, Sheng shopkeeper had left for home by land.
Returning home by land is not only a long way, but also inconvenient to travel through Austria-Hungary and other allied countries. These countries are on the verge of collapse, and social contradictions have intensified into chaos. In addition, they have to go through Soviet Russia, which is in a state of war. The road is not only long but also very uneasy.
Cheng Siliang told him that the shopkeeper had safely returned to China and conducted business activities in China, but the most important thing was to take care of the brothers of the Chinese Communist Youth League and leave their families in China.
"Shopkeeper Sheng started from Switzerland, passed through Austria-Hungary, Ukraine and Kazakhstan, and finally from Xinjiang to Beijing. There are railways in most areas, but they are not connected intermittently. It is necessary to change trains frequently, but the process is smooth and no one is difficult on the way." Cheng Siliang said, "All allied countries, including Germany, are in chaos and economic collapse. Ukraine and Kazakhstan are in a red political war with Soviet Russia, but they dare not offend us. In the final analysis, the Chinese Communist League is emboldened. Now who in Europe dares not give us a little face?"
"You do business to make money, and hundreds of brothers in our * * group have a backing for you, that is, to support themselves," Zhang Yiping said.
"That’s why I’m here," Cheng Siliang said. "Now the business is getting bigger and bigger, and with the growing influence of the Chinese Communist Youth League, I think the conditions are ripe for setting up a formal business company."
"The nature of our company is different. According to the spirit of our signing of Life and Death, and the general commander also said that every copper coin we earn belongs to every brother who signed Life and Death."
"I think the spirit of Life and Death is fixed by law. Since we set up a formal business company, our 150 thousand brothers are shareholders of this company, including those who died in battle."
Zhang Yiping patted him on the shoulder and said, "You’re right. Life and Death is the foundation of our Chinese Communist Youth League. The spirit of Life and Death needs sufficient material support. I agree with your idea to set up a commercial group. Each of our brothers is a shareholder, and the deceased brother will be inherited by their families. We want to realize the life and death and promise to let their wives, children and families live a worried life."
"So has the commander-in-chief of our group name thought it over?" Cheng Siliang asked
Zhang Yiping thought for a while before saying, "Although it was a sad day when we worked as laborers in France, it is worth remembering. Let’s name our group’ Chinese workers’. The name’ Chinese workers’ group will soon resound on the world stage."
Zhang Pingan took it and discussed many details with Cheng Siliang, and didn’t sort out a rough idea until dawn the next day.
By this time, the two Jews had been waiting impatiently.
Cheng Siliang put together a thick stack of notes made last night and said, "Commander-in-Chief, I’ll arrange and make a detailed plan again and again for you to have a look."
"good!" Zhang Yiping said, "To a great extent, our struggle in Europe is to have a happy life, and’ Chinese workers’ is another cornerstone for us to realize our dreams. I hope you will work hard and don’t let your brothers down."
Cheng Siliang said, "If there are people who have worked as Chinese laborers in France and signed the Life and Death Statement, they will not run the Chinese laborers as their own homes because this is our dream. When we first went abroad, our dream was much bigger today. I also signed the Life and Death Statement. Please rest assured that I will not betray my promise of the Life and Death Statement under any circumstances."
Zhang Pingan packed up and invited two Jews to have breakfast on the roof of the castle.
The sun has just risen, and the temperature is just right. On the roof, you can see that the field scenery outside has become a ruin.
Zhang Pingan looked at a dark city beside a field crumpled by the wind. He rubbed his hands and then picked up a glass of milk in front of him and took a sip. "This kind of scenery makes people feel sad. What a cruel war it is! The world is so weak! "
"That’s because your regiment is strong," said Daniel flatteringly.
"Haha, Daniel, we are friends. You don’t flatter me. We know very well that the Chinese Communist Youth League is still weak. There are 150,000 of us." Zhang Yiping said.
Daniel rushed to tunnel "no, you are too modest, respect the general …"
"Daniel …" Zhang Yiping pointed to Daniel and laughed.
From this point of view, Zhang Yiping planned these Jewish capitalists to come to Zhang Yiping and Zhang Yiping expected it.
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